Upcoming Events



Paddle the Border Spring Sunday May 19 Our 21st year

Canoe – Kayak Event on the Connecticut River

The Spring Paddle 2024 date is May 19 goes from Woodsville Community Field in

Woodsville, off Rte. 135 to the Bedell Bridge State Park Boat Launch off Route 10,

Haverhill Corner, NH

The Paddle is held twice a year weather permitting-no rain dates are planned.

There is a shuttle service from the take out, to the launch sight. [Drop boats & gear at

launch sight, drive to Take Out- Park, the bus will bring you back to launch site]

The Shuttle Service is available from 10am to 11am;

This gives us a suggested launch time of 10:30 to 11:30am.

The approximate paddle time for the spring and fall paddle is 3-1/2 to 4 hours.

At the end of the paddle there will be music by the Strawberry Farm Band & a cookout.

The Paddle The Border (PTB) event was started as a way for community organizations

from Vermont and New Hampshire to work together to ” Show Case” our shared asset,

the Connecticut River.

21st Year and we look forward to see old friends and meeting new Paddlers.

So come to Paddle the Border Sunday May 19 and bring your friends.

For More Info Contact: Michael Thomas mikethom1@charter.net 802-757-3960

www.newburyconservation.org www.cohase.org Rec@haverhill-nh.com

Fall PTB Sunday October 6, 2024


National Trails Day is Saturday June 1st 2024  27th Year

Trails Day Work Day on the Wells River Nature Trails Saturday June 1st

9:00 am to 3pm at Blue Mt. School in Wells River. Vt.

This is the day when trails group through out the country will get together to do their spring cleaning on their local trail networks. Cross Vermont Trail Association, and Newbury Conservation Commission are sponsoring this year’s event.

VOLUNTEERS needed to help with Trails Day Work Day, a good turnout is what makes these trail happen. The trail system over all is in really good shape. If we can get your help, this trail system will be in good shape for years to come.

Tool needed; weed whackers, big & small, brush cutters, loppers, shovels & rakes, pole saw, and Chain Saw [small one 16-20” bar is good]

Through the Wells River Nature Trails we hope to stimulate interest in the thoughtful stewardship of our Natural, Recreational, Educational, and Economic resource for the people of our community.

For more Info Contact

Michael Thomas at 802-757-3960 mikethom1@charter.net

Cross Vermont Trail Association Web-Site www.crossvermont.org